Thursday, March 25, 2010

It is necessary to restore the unit of Spain

Torrijos E1268385398781

Article 2.

The Constitution is based on the indissoluble unit of the common and indivisible Spanish, native Nation of all the Spanish, and recognizes and guarantees the right to the autonomy of the nationalities and regions that integrate it and the solidarity between all of them.

Article 8.

1. The Armed forces constituted by the Army, the Navy and the Air force, take as a mission to guarantee the sovereignty and independence of Spain, to defend his territorial integrity and the constitutional arranging.

Spanish constitution

The truth is that the will of Hope Aguirre of that the Community of Madrid finances public quality services, is already more than egg white: he does not want to finance them, and in fact, it is taking all the measures that it has at his disposal to finish with them and to deliver his service to the proper pillage of the private business. The Community of Madrid, like administrative device, only serves to Hope Aguirre and to the PP for the only thing that has always needed and wanted it: as an effective tool to materialize his curious version of the share-out of the wealth from the proper reformulation of his statement, «repartámonos the wealth», and that consists of distributing the money that belongs to all, that is to say, the proceeding one from few taxes that are staying and of the state transferences, to his pals, associates and relatives across fiddled millionaire contracts, as it reveals to us what we know about the plot Gürtel.

Nevertheless, the attitude of the PP and of Hope Aguirre in Madrid begins supposing an important comparative indignation between the ciudadnos of Madrid and those of the rest of Spain, which - more that less - yes have the public services guaranteed. In Madrid, the doctors do not give supply to attend on patients, the waiting-lists are endless yciudades of 70.000 inhabitants and of population for the most part young they have one or two gynecologists. The new public hospitals look like hangars where to park patients, without scarcely sanitary personnel, and provided with hyperexploited personnel proceeding from companies of temporary work of dark property. One denies to the incurable patients the medicines that can relieve them. There are delivered thousands of million pesetas to the schools of priests and nuns so that they indoctrinate our young people, while most of the institutes and public schools must survive without heating, or cannot use the copiers, as it happens in one that I know, because they have no budget for sheets of paper, and every teacher puts the sheets of paper that he needs, but nobody puts those who are used in the copiers. It is an anecdote, but it is revealing.

The citizens of Madrid we have less rights that the Catalans, the Andalusians, the Extremaduran, the Basques, but he would say still that even that the Galicians, the Castilians and from Leon ones or the riojanos. If to it we add that in Madrid the law antitobacco is not applied, that the plans - better or worse - of modernization of the school raised are not going to come to our students, that the Law of Dependency for the persons from Madrid is a luxury of through those that our borders live allende, and that now the President has said that he is going to resign from what corresponds to the Community of Madrid - but to the Community of Madrid that is to say, to the citizenship of Madrid, to finance his public services - of the increase of the VAT, we are neither not she, nor the PP in a situation in which I, that I am slightly friendly of it, am going to begin keeping Molotov cocktails myself under the bed, to go one night to burn the office of the President in the Puerta del Sol. And if in the way I cross connuna church or a nuns' school, since that is considered to be a collateral damage...

It turns out that I am going to pay these two points more of the VAT, like every quisque, but the megamultimillionaires of the region are not going to pay the tax of the Patrimony, and above the President, in my name, and without I having authorized him for it, he is going to resign to which the Community deposits the part that corresponds to him of these two points in the share-out of the VAT. If this is not to break the unit of Spain, which God avenges and see it, but that does not happen close to me, which burned him. The politics of Hope Aguirre provokes that the persons from Madrid we have less rights that the rest of the Spanish, the politics of Hope Aguirre breaks the equality. Hope Aguirre breaks Spain.

That's why, from this one humble, but magnídica tribune that is my blog, I ask the Government of the Nation to restore the Unit of Spain: that intervenes already in the Community of Madrid, directed by a band of thieves and trileros not "supposed", that is a ham in the beautiful Portuguese language, but sausages, which take years plundering the public fund, which was done under control of the community thanks to a real estate coup d'état that he bought literally to two socialistic deputies so that they were preventing the investiture of the government that was going to form like result of the last democratic autonomic elections celebrated in Madrid...

The autonomic government of Hope Aguirre, for saying it in a brief and concise way, has turned Madrid, in fact, into a species of independent country in which there is not guaranteed the equality of rights and opportunities. The PP and It Has hope aguirre, with his behavior ultranationalist has broken the unit of Spain, guaranteed by the article 2 of the Constitution. And I want to be Spanish again, for it I request that the guarantor of the indivisible unit of the Spanish nation, which is the Army, intervenes, and restores the integrity of the rights and freedoms in Madrid, puts to good collection the seditious leader and his followers, and spent three days, shoots them, as they order the cánones, although without religious assistance, so that they lump it more, if it fits, in the garden walls of the Almudena or of San Isidro.

This way, we save ourselves the funeral transport and pay a few sheets of paper to some institudto of the region.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Cuba and the exploitation of International Amnesty

To Salary of HavanaFor don Lucien de Peiro

During the last two weeks, specifically from the death of Orlando Zapata, Cuba has led, for not saying monopolized, the informative Falsimedia agenda, in Spain and practically in the rest of countries of the imperialist orbit or in the related means to the same one. The vultures mediáticos have found in Orlando a fresh and useful corpse for his recalcitrant interests intoxicadores. They have boned, gnawed it and it seems that finally they it are spitting, bone to bone, now when they have got fed up with the same one. For it, since it is habitual in these cases, they have flavored the banquet with multiple and constant allusions to the denunciations of International Amnesty against the Cuban government. The use of International Amnesty like sacred reference, since we will see at once, has turned out to be a vulgar exploitation of the work of the above mentioned organization.

Let's start by revising some Spanish means and a pair not Spanish representatives of the orbit anticastrista to begin comprising the dense grade of use of the denunciations of International Amnesty:

The Country

« In the island about 200 political prisoners exist; of them, 65 conscience prisoners are considered by International Amnesty»

On February 25

« Also 65 adopted children demand the liberation of all the political prisoners, who according to information of the Commission of Human rights and National Conciliation (CDHRN) are about 200, of them for International Amnesty like conscience prisoners»

On February 28

« If as the Cuban Government says to us, 65 persons (conscience prisoners, according to International Amnesty) they can spoil only with his words a diet that presumes to be a popular revolution»

On March 1

The Avant-garde

« He thought that the death of this dissident is going to have «serious consequences because he was a prisoner of conscience adopted as International Amnesty (AI)»

On February 24

« Washington thought that the Shoe death reflects the "injustice" of the Cuban diet and asked for the immediate liberation of 200 political prisoners that have International Amnesty taken into account in the island»

On February 25

The World

« International amnesty corrects of cruel the Cuban Government for allowing the death of Shoe Tamayo»

On February 24

« International amnesty is considered from last week by the 'prisoner of conscience' number 55 of the Cuban diet»

On March 04

The Newspaper of Catalunya

« He has thought that the death of this dissident is going to have «serious consequences because he was a prisoner of conscience adopted as International Amnesty (AI)»

On February 24

« At the same time, International Amnesty claimed to the Government presided by Raúl Castro the «immediate and unconditional freedom» of the one that there considers the prisoner of conscience number 55 of the Caribbean country, Darsi Ferrer»

On February 27

Miami Herald

« International amnesty corrects of cruel the Cuban Government for allowing Shoe death»

On February 24

The New York Times

« Amnesty International called the hunger strike death of jailed Cuban activist Orlando Zapata Tamayo to «terrible indictment» of repression on the island and urged Cuban President Raul Castro on Wednesday to be reread all political prisoners»

On February 24

These brief fragments, which scarcely represent small part of everything published in the same means during the last two weeks, reflect two habitual counterfoils in the information of Falsimedia about Cuba: first of all, as it is demonstrated for anyone that continues minimally to the massive means, "surprises" the untensest dedication to facts that only acquire relevancy when they happen in the Caribbean island. What with regard to any other country does not generate unnoticed any debate and it happens (if it happens) for the massive means, as regards Cuba it inspires an endless number of titular, hardened analyses, wise debates (in which, obviously, it is not invited to voices that swim cross-current) and powerful waves of indignation, protest and denunciation (1).

Immediately after this first counterfoil we can derive the second one, which is the one that we are interested in in this writing: the use and, finally, exploitation of the denunciations and reports of International Amnesty of Cuba. There is here where refulge the figure of Salim Lamrani, French investigator who has worked with intensity as regards everything related to the permanent poisoning that the Cuban government endures. In a recent interview for The Republic in Havana, he was answering this way to one of the questions:

« The means stigmatize very often the situation of the human rights in Cuba. On the other hand they never do a comparative study, although only it is enough to take the annual reports of International Amnesty and to compare them. I do it in the book and the result is edifying, of the whole American continent, from Canada up to Argentina, the country that violates less the rights is Cuba according to International Amnesty. Now, it does not mean that Cuba is the paradise. Some human rights violations exist in the island. »(2)

Following his example, I have been allowed to take the word and I have directed my steps to the last annual report of International Amnesty, the correspondent to the year 2009 (3). I believe that the most advisable thing will be that we read letter for letter, word for word and phrase for phrase, everything what has said the report on Cuba and, to establish a comparison, we say, edifying, we will read what the same report has said on an American country that, in principle, it does not generate many doubts about his respect of the human rights. I speak about Canada, with which I am allowed to begin myself:

Canada (p. 140 of the report)

Presentation text: The indigenous peoples that were trying to defend his right to the ground kept on finding big obstacles. In the report of an investigation on the intervention of Canadian officials in the detention and persons' torture abroad it was revealed that some officials had collaborated in human rights violations.

- It kept on causing worry that continued and there should not guarantee the rapid and impartial resolution of the conflicts concerning the ground and the rights of property of the natural resources. In August, the Committee of the UNO for the Elimination of the Racial discrimination expressed that his worry for the plan of constructing a gas pipeline in grounds of Alberta who believes the lubicon they kept on protesting like his. The Commission of Alberta's Public enterprises ignored these worries on having approved the project in October.

- In September, the Commission of Human rights of Canada ordered that a complaint to be investigated on the disparity of the funds destined for the protection organisms of the indigenous children. The government kept on affirming that the Declaration of the UNO on the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples was not applicable in Canada because this country had voted against his approval.

- In Ontario it was advancing with slowness the application of the recommendations of the report published in 2007 for the Commission of Investigation of Ipperwash on the circumstances that surrounded the case of Dudley George, native who died in 1995 for shots of the police when it was taking part disarmed in a few protests for the right to the ground.

- The Provincial Police of Ontario made excessive use of the force during a few declarations for the right to the ground celebrated in the Territory of Tyendinaga Mohawk and in his surroundings in 2007 and 2008.

- In October, the Committee of the UNO for the Elimination of the Discrimination against the Woman asked to Canada him «to [adopt] the necessary measurements to correct the shortcomings of the system» in what concerns the investigation of the murders and disappearances of aboriginal women. The Committee asked also them to raise the restrictions imposed on the funds destined on the works of promotion, pressure and investigation of the women's organizations and that there will be created a mechanism of supervision of the recluses.

- In February, after a resolution adopted in 2007 as the Supreme Court of Canada the government reformed the system of the safety certificate of immigration, which nevertheless kept on being unjust. Five men subject to the above mentioned system were set free – in some cases with freedom conditions on bail very restrictive – while they were continuing the judicial procedures that were following against them. One of the men, Hassan Almrei, had imprisoned from October, 2001.

- In March, the Federal Court pushed a resource back against the practice of putting under care of the Afghan authorities, with the high risk of torture that it was containing, the persons stopped during the military operations realized in Afghanistan. The Federal Court of Appeal confirmed this decision in December.

- In October there was made public the report of a commission of investigation on the officials' intervention of Canada in the cases of three Canadian citizens a-Abdullah Almalki, Ahmed the Maati and Muayyed Nureddin – arrested and tortured abroad. In the report it was indicated that the actions of the Canadian officials had helped of multiple forms to violate the rights of three arrested. The government kept on refusing to intervene before the American authorities in favor of Omar Khadr, Canadian citizen stopped in Afghanistan when he was 15 years old and imprisoned in Guantanamo from hacía any more than six.

- In June, alleging procedure defects, the Federal Court of Appeal invalidated a resolution adopted in 2007 as the Federal Court according to which the agreement on third sure countries signed by Canada and the United States was damaging the Letter of Rights and the international law.

- A public investigation of provincial ambience began on the death in October, 2007, in the international airport of Vancouver, of the Polish citizen Robert Dziekanski after agents of the Real Mounted Police of Canada were shooting him with guns Taser (you arm of electroshock). The Department of Public Complaints of this body expressed a report in which one was asking that there be restricted the use of this type of weapon. Four persons died during the year after the police were shooting them with a Taser.

- In September, the Federal Court examined a request of Ronald Smith, Canadian citizen condemned in 1983 to the capital punishment in the American state of Montana. Ronald Smith was opposing the new politics of the Canadian government not to request the pardon of Canadian citizens condemned to death in democratic and respectful considered countries with the democracy. On having finished the year, the Court had not adopted yet a decision.

Centrémonos now in the part of the report referred to the Caribbean island:

Cuba (page 165 of the report)

Presentation text: It kept on restricting the freedom of expression, association and meeting. Safety agents whipped and intimidated journalists and political dissidents. Four conscience prisoners stayed at large at the beginning of year, but 58 remained imprisoned. The Cuban population kept on enduring the negative effects of the American sequestration, especially as regards the right to food.

- In February, the Parliament was named to Raúl Castro by president of the Council of the State, appointment that had prepared the headquarters of the State and of the government. Cuba signed the International Agreement of Civil and Political Rights and the International Agreement of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, but he had not foreseen a date for his ratification.

- Five years after the sanctions imposed by the European Union after the detention and condemnation – in March, 2003 – of 75 prisoners of conscience, Cuba and the EU resumed his relations of an official way. The EU raised his diplomatic sanctions and initiated a dialogue with the Cuban authorities on diverse matters, between them the human rights.

- During the first semester of the year economic reforms began getting in the agricultural sector. Nevertheless, the ravages caused by several hurricanes hindered the reforming initiatives of the government. According to official sources, tens thousands of persons remained without hearth as a result of the hurricanes, and the country suffered losses valued for almost billion American dollars for the ambience of the agricultural production. For the first time it was allowed to the Cuban citizens to acquire mobile and ordering phones for personal use, but the access to Internet remained restricted. In October, for the seventeenth year in a row, the General Assembly of the UNO approved a resolution endorsed by 185 countries, in which one was asking the United States to finish the sequestration against Cuba.

- The American sequestration and diverse connected measurements kept on reverberating of negative form in the exercise of the human rights. There kept on being very restricted the familiar reunifications and the freedom of circulation between Cuba and the United States. The extraterritorial application of the American legislation was bordering also

aptitude of the Cuban government to buy to commercial associates of Cuba such products like food, medical provisions and building materials. Nevertheless, the United States was allowed to Cuba to buy basic food for a value for 530 million American, payable dollars in cash and in advance.

- The freedom of expression remained restricted. All the mass media continued under control of the State. The journalists of independent and alternative news agencies kept on suffering harassment and intimidation in the shape of alertness and brief detentions on the part of safety agents. It continued without allowing him the legalization of the political groups of opposition and of numerous civil and professional associations. In December, the Cuban authorities stopped for a brief period more than 30 persons, whom they prevented from celebrating the International Day of the Human rights in Havana.

- In June they stopped the journalist Carlos Serpa Maceira, of the Trade union news agency Press, in his domicile of Havana. They accused it of promoting «provocative acts and mercenaries faced by the Section of Interests of the United States of America in Cuba». A few officials ordered him to stop working like journalist if it did not want to be returned to his hometown. Then they left it at large.

- In July, the authorities prevented tens dissidents from taking part in diverse acts that they were going to celebrate in Havana, between them a meeting of the civil group Agenda for the Transition and an act organized by the Section of Interests of the United States in Cuba in commemoration of the Day of the American Independence. It was forbidden to some of them to displace the capital, it was forbidden to others to go out of his domicile in Havana, and approximately 30 were detained by the police and they set free a few hours later or on the following day.

- On having finished the year, 58 conscience prisoners remained imprisoned, imprisoned by the simple fact of having expressed his political opinions. In February excarceló to four conscience prisoners because of health, but one arranged them that they were leaving the country. There were received reports of acts of harassment and intimidation against prisoners of conscience and political prisoners on the part of guards of prisons how of other recluses.

- It kept on using the judicial system – in particular, the charge of «danger« – to whip political dissidents opposite to the Cuban government. There were many cases of journalists, political dissidents and detractors of the government who were detained for 24 or 48 hours then to be set free without charges.

- In August, Gorki Águila, musician of the group Porno Para Ricardo, was detained in Havana and he accused of «danger«, because in his letters he was criticizing the government. On August 29, the court withdrew the charge of «danger«, but he declared Gorki Águila guilty of the minor crime of civil disobedience and condemned it to pay a fine.

- In April, the president Raúl Castro announced that almost all the death penalties would be exchanged for life imprisonment. In 2008 there were no executions. In December, Cuba abstained for the second time in the voting of a resolution of the General Assembly of the UNO in which one was asking for a world moratorium of the executions.

After the detailed reading of the report for both countries it seems quite clear that the part dedicated to Cuba denounces serious questions although, being honest, the part dedicated to Canada denounces more serious questions still or this way it me it seems.

On the one hand, in Cuba, according to International Amnesty, we have restrictions of the freedom of expression, association and meeting, and the access to Internet was still restricted. Also we have harassment and intimidation to journalists, harassment to political dissidents, prisoners' conscience imprisonment, short but arbitrary detentions of journalists and other citizens, abstention in a voting of the UNO on the capital punishment or inability to form political groups of opposition.

On the other hand, in Canada, according to International Amnesty, we always have it tortures not Canadian prisoners abroad, racial discrimination (of the state), excessive use of the force, murders and disappearances of aboriginal women, men imprisoned for years by bureaucratic questions in matters of immigration, transfer of the prisoners' care to suspicious authorities of tortures, Canadian citizens arrested and tortured abroad, inhibition of the authorities before a minor of Canadian age stopped in the field of concentration of Guantanamo, deaths to hands of the police for use of weapon of electroshock and, based on a legislation approved to the effect, there is established the denial to request the pardon of Canadian compatriots condemned to death abroad.

I understand that every person will have his opinion about the report of International Amnesty, considering in every case exaggerated, short, insufficient or excessive the denunciations for a country and / or other. But beyond the opinion or conclusion that each one has, there is something undoubted, and the fact is that the use, mention or simple reference to the denunciations of International Amnesty on the part of Falsimedia with regard to Cuba is born of a clearly hypocritical exposition, since there where it is of interest or is convenient, the reports of the above mentioned organization are used to reinforce the message or pejorative counterfoil on the respect to the human rights in the Caribbean island, question that not of coincidence is of interest on having reported on, for example, Canada.

Since it was of waiting, some of them have hurried (in the good hour) to denounce that International Amnesty does not have easy access to the Caribbean island, which the reports that with so much I urge were recommending and exhibiting, the reports that almost they have worn out of so much handling them either do not reflect properly the reality represora of the opaque Cuban diet, either they do not fulfill his assignment, although there are the same reports, with suppressed fellow man, that they have come being published during the last years, reports that have changed not even a comma from the beginning of the campaign of poisoning mediática into the death of Orlando Zapata. Finally, we can observe (and we will keep on observing, do not doubt it) a habitual strategy or currency of current change between the anticastristas, the hypocrites or the tricky ones, which go of the hand if it is that there are no the same, and is that the helps or supports of the past turn into obstacles of the present or of the future according to the direction in which the wind blows. If International Amnesty was already not serving to attack Cuba, neglect, that the universe anticastrista and imperialist will find new ways of stigmatizing to a country that similar pressure does not deserve. Minimized the weight of International Amnesty like antiCuban weapon of attack, he will only remain to look for the tickling to the above mentioned organization. Finally, to discredit the source, demonizar to the messenger or to ignore to the once allied sound habitual procedures between which only they try to play the absent-mindedness, destroy, contaminate, poison or, as it usually in these cases, annoy say the partridge, foreign to all rigorousness, well to do, human honesty or journalistic deontology, jealous for propping up his prodigious building of imperialist propaganda.


(1) Let's remember more than hundred suicides in the French jails during 2009, a matter that has happened on tiptoe for our means, of course because France is very "democratic" and is not precise to do more blood of the wound.



(linkage consulted on March 8, 2010)

Cuba and the exploitation of International Amnesty

During the last two weeks, specifically from the death of Orlando Zapata, Cuba has led, for not saying monopolized, the informative Falsimedia agenda, in Spain and practically in the rest of countries of the imperialist orbit or in the related means to the same one. The vultures mediáticos have found in Orlando a fresh and useful corpse for his recalcitrant interests intoxicadores. They have boned, gnawed it and it seems that finally they it are spitting, bone to bone, now when they have got fed up with the same one. For it, since it is habitual in these cases, they have flavored the banquet with multiple and constant allusions to the denunciations of International Amnesty against the Cuban government. The use of International Amnesty like sacred reference, since we will see at once, has turned out to be a vulgar exploitation of the work of the above mentioned organization.

Let's start by revising some Spanish means and a pair not Spanish representatives of the orbit anticastrista to begin comprising the dense grade of use of the denunciations of International Amnesty:

The Country

« In the island about 200 political prisoners exist; of them, 65 conscience prisoners are considered by International Amnesty », On February 25.

« Also 65 adopted children demand the liberation of all the political prisoners, who according to information of the Commission of Human rights and National Conciliation (CDHRN) are about 200, of them for International Amnesty like conscience prisoners », On February 28.

« If as the Cuban Government says to us, 65 persons (conscience prisoners, according to International Amnesty) they can spoil only with his words a diet that presumes to be a popular revolution », On March 1.

The Avant-garde

« He thought that the death of this dissident is going to have «serious consequences because he was a prisoner of conscience adopted as International Amnesty (AI)» », On February 24.

« Washington thought that the Shoe death reflects the "injustice" of the Cuban diet and asked for the immediate liberation of 200 political prisoners that have International Amnesty taken into account in the island », On February 25.

The World

« International amnesty corrects of cruel the Cuban Government for allowing the death of Shoe Tamayo », On February 24.

« International amnesty is considered from last week by the 'prisoner of conscience' number 55 of the Cuban diet», On March 04.

The Newspaper of Catalunya

« He has thought that the death of this dissident is going to have «serious consequences because he was a prisoner of conscience adopted as International Amnesty (AI)» », On February 24.

« At the same time, International Amnesty claimed to the Government presided by Raúl Castro the «immediate and unconditional freedom» of the one that there considers the prisoner of conscience number 55 of the Caribbean country, Darsi Ferrer », On February 27.

Miami Herald

« International amnesty corrects of cruel the Cuban Government for allowing Shoe death », On February 24.

The New York Times

« Amnesty International called the hunger strike death of jailed Cuban activist Orlando Zapata Tamayo to «terrible indictment» of repression on the island and urged Cuban President Raul Castro on Wednesday to be reread all political prisoners », On February 24.

These brief fragments, which scarcely represent small part of everything published in the same means during the last two weeks, reflect two habitual counterfoils in the information of Falsimedia about Cuba: first of all, as it is demonstrated for anyone that continues minimally to the massive means, "surprises" the untensest dedication to facts that only acquire relevancy when they happen in the Caribbean island. What with regard to any other country does not generate unnoticed any debate and it happens (if it happens) for the massive means, as regards Cuba it inspires an endless number of titular, hardened analyses, wise debates (in which, obviously, it is not invited to voices that swim cross-current) and powerful waves of indignation, protest and denunciation (1).

Immediately after this first counterfoil we can derive the second one, which is the one that we are interested in in this writing: the use and, finally, exploitation of the denunciations and reports of International Amnesty of Cuba. There is here where refulge the figure of Salim Lamrani, French investigator who has worked with intensity as regards everything related to the permanent poisoning that the Cuban government endures. In a recent interview for The Republic in Havana, he was answering this way to one of the questions:

« The means stigmatize very often the situation of the human rights in Cuba. On the other hand they never do a comparative study, although only it is enough to take the annual reports of International Amnesty and to compare them. I do it in the book and the result is edifying, of the whole American continent, from Canada up to Argentina, the country that violates less the rights is Cuba according to International Amnesty. Now, it does not mean that Cuba is the paradise. Some human rights violations exist in the island. »(2)

Following his example, I have been allowed to take the word and I have directed my steps to the last annual report of International Amnesty, the correspondent to the year 2009 (3). I believe that the most advisable thing will be that we read letter for letter, word for word and phrase for phrase, everything what has said the report on Cuba and, to establish a comparison, we say, edifying, we will read what the same report has said on an American country that, in principle, it does not generate many doubts about his respect of the human rights. I speak about Canada, with which I am allowed to begin myself:

Canada (p. 140 of the report)

Presentation text: The indigenous peoples that were trying to defend his right to the ground kept on finding big obstacles. In the report of an investigation on the intervention of Canadian officials in the detention and persons' torture abroad it was revealed that some officials had collaborated in human rights violations.

- It kept on causing worry that continued and there should not guarantee the rapid and impartial resolution of the conflicts concerning the ground and the rights of property of the natural resources. In August, the Committee of the UNO for the Elimination of the Racial discrimination expressed that his worry for the plan of constructing a gas pipeline in grounds of Alberta who believes the lubicon they kept on protesting like his. The Commission of Alberta's Public enterprises ignored these worries on having approved the project in October.

- In September, the Commission of Human rights of Canada ordered that a complaint to be investigated on the disparity of the funds destined for the protection organisms of the indigenous children. The government kept on affirming that the Declaration of the UNO on the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples was not applicable in Canada because this country was

voted against his approval.

- In Ontario it was advancing with slowness the application of the recommendations of the report published in 2007 for the Commission of Investigation of Ipperwash on the circumstances that surrounded the case of Dudley George, native who died in 1995 for shots of the police when it was taking part disarmed in a few protests for the right to the ground.

- The Provincial Police of Ontario made excessive use of the force during a few declarations for the right to the ground celebrated in the Territory of Tyendinaga Mohawk and in his surroundings in 2007 and 2008.

- In October, the Committee of the UNO for the Elimination of the Discrimination against the Woman asked to Canada him «to [adopt] the necessary measurements to correct the shortcomings of the system» in what concerns the investigation of the murders and disappearances of aboriginal women. The Committee asked also them to raise the restrictions imposed on the funds destined on the works of promotion, pressure and investigation of the women's organizations and that there will be created a mechanism of supervision of the recluses.

- In February, after a resolution adopted in 2007 as the Supreme Court of Canada the government reformed the system of the safety certificate of immigration, which nevertheless kept on being unjust. Five men subject to the above mentioned system were set free – in some cases with freedom conditions on bail very restrictive – while they were continuing the judicial procedures that were following against them. One of the men, Hassan Almrei, had imprisoned from October, 2001.

- In March, the Federal Court pushed a resource back against the practice of putting under care of the Afghan authorities, with the high risk of torture that it was containing, the persons stopped during the military operations realized in Afghanistan. The Federal Court of Appeal confirmed this decision in December.

- In October there was made public the report of a commission of investigation on the officials' intervention of Canada in the cases of three Canadian citizens a-Abdullah Almalki, Ahmed the Maati and Muayyed Nureddin – arrested and tortured abroad. In the report it was indicated that the actions of the Canadian officials had helped of multiple forms to violate the rights of three arrested. The government kept on refusing to intervene before the American authorities in favor of Omar Khadr, Canadian citizen stopped in Afghanistan when he was 15 years old and imprisoned in Guantanamo from hacía any more than six.

- In June, alleging procedure defects, the Federal Court of Appeal invalidated a resolution adopted in 2007 as the Federal Court according to which the agreement on third sure countries signed by Canada and the United States was damaging the Letter of Rights and the international law.

- A public investigation of provincial ambience began on the death in October, 2007, in the international airport of Vancouver, of the Polish citizen Robert Dziekanski after agents of the Real Mounted Police of Canada were shooting him with guns Taser (you arm of electroshock). The Department of Public Complaints of this body expressed a report in which one was asking that there be restricted the use of this type of weapon. Four persons died during the year after the police were shooting them with a Taser.

- In September, the Federal Court examined a request of Ronald Smith, Canadian citizen condemned in 1983 to the capital punishment in the American state of Montana. Ronald Smith was opposing the new politics of the Canadian government not to request the pardon of Canadian citizens condemned to death in democratic and respectful considered countries with the democracy. On having finished the year, the Court had not adopted yet a decision.

Centrémonos now in the part of the report referred to the Caribbean island:

Cuba (p. 165)

Presentation text: It kept on restricting the freedom of expression, association and meeting. Safety agents whipped and intimidated journalists and political dissidents. Four conscience prisoners stayed at large at the beginning of year, but 58 remained imprisoned. The Cuban population kept on enduring the negative effects of the American sequestration, especially as regards the right to food.

- In February, the Parliament was named to Raúl Castro by president of the Council of the State, appointment that had prepared the headquarters of the State and of the government. Cuba signed the International Agreement of Civil and Political Rights and the International Agreement of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, but he had not foreseen a date for his ratification.

- Five years after the sanctions imposed by the European Union after the detention and condemnation – in March, 2003 – of 75 prisoners of conscience, Cuba and the EU resumed his relations of an official way. The EU raised his diplomatic sanctions and initiated a dialogue with the Cuban authorities on diverse matters, between them the human rights.

- During the first semester of the year economic reforms began getting in the agricultural sector. Nevertheless, the ravages caused by several hurricanes hindered the reforming initiatives of the government. According to official sources, tens thousands of persons remained without hearth as a result of the hurricanes, and the country suffered losses valued for almost billion American dollars for the ambience of the agricultural production. For the first time it was allowed to the Cuban citizens to acquire mobile and ordering phones for personal use, but the access to Internet remained restricted. In October, for the seventeenth year in a row, the General Assembly of the UNO approved a resolution endorsed by 185 countries, in which one was asking the United States to finish the sequestration against Cuba.

- The American sequestration and diverse connected measurements kept on reverberating of negative form in the exercise of the human rights. There kept on being very restricted the familiar reunifications and the freedom of circulation between Cuba and the United States. The extraterritorial application of the American legislation was bordering also

aptitude of the Cuban government to buy to commercial associates of Cuba such products like food, medical provisions and building materials. Nevertheless, the United States was allowed to Cuba to buy basic food for a value for 530 million American, payable dollars in cash and in advance.

- The freedom of expression remained restricted. All the mass media continued under control of the State. The journalists of independent and alternative news agencies kept on suffering harassment and intimidation in the shape of alertness and brief detentions on the part of safety agents. It continued without allowing him the legalization of the political groups of opposition and of numerous civil and professional associations. In December, the Cuban authorities stopped for a brief period more than 30 persons, whom they prevented from celebrating the International Day of the Human rights in Havana.

- In June they stopped the journalist Carlos Serpa Maceira, of the Trade union news agency Press, in his domicile of Havana. They accused it of promoting «provocative acts and mercenaries faced by the Section of Interests of the United States of America in Cuba». A few officials ordered him to stop working like journalist if it did not want to be returned to his hometown. Then they left it at large.

- In July, the authorities prevented tens dissidents from taking part in diverse acts that they were going to celebrate in Havana, between them a meeting of the civil group Agenda for the Transition and an act organized by the Section of Interests of the United States in Cuba in commemoration of the Day of the American Independence. It was forbidden to some of them to displace the capital, it was forbidden to others to go out of his domicile in Havana, and approximately 30 were detained by the police and they set free a few hours later or on the following day.

- On having finished the year, 58 conscience prisoners remained imprisoned, imprisoned by the simple fact of having expressed his political opinions. In February excarceló to four conscience prisoners because of health, but one arranged them that they were leaving the country. There were received reports of acts of harassment and intimidation against prisoners of conscience and political prisoners on the part of guards of prisons how of other recluses.

- It kept on using the judicial system – in particular, the charge of «danger« – to whip political dissidents opposite to the Cuban government. There were many cases of journalists, political dissidents and detractors of the government who were detained for 24 or 48 hours then to be set free without charges.

- In August, Gorki Águila, musician of the group Porno Para Ricardo, was detained in Havana and he accused of «danger«, because in his letters he was criticizing the government. On August 29, the court withdrew the charge of «danger«, but he declared Gorki Águila guilty of the minor crime of civil disobedience and condemned it to pay a fine.

- In April, the president Raúl Castro announced that almost all the death penalties would be exchanged for life imprisonment. In 2008 there were no executions. In December, Cuba abstained for the second time in the voting of a resolution of the General Assembly of the UNO in which one was asking for a world moratorium of the executions.

After the detailed reading of the report for both countries it seems quite clear that the part dedicated to Cuba denounces serious questions although, being honest, the part dedicated to Canada denounces more serious questions still or this way it me it seems.

On the one hand, in Cuba, according to International Amnesty, we have restrictions of the freedom of expression, association and meeting, and the access to Internet was still restricted. Also we have harassment and intimidation to journalists, harassment to political dissidents, prisoners' conscience imprisonment, short but arbitrary detentions of journalists and other citizens, abstention in a voting of the UNO on the capital punishment or inability to form political groups of opposition.

On the other hand, in Canada, according to International Amnesty, we always have it tortures not Canadian prisoners abroad, racial discrimination (of the state), excessive use of the force, murders and disappearances of aboriginal women, men imprisoned for years by bureaucratic questions in matters of immigration, transfer of the prisoners' care to suspicious authorities of tortures, Canadian citizens arrested and tortured abroad, inhibition of the authorities before a minor of Canadian age stopped in the field of concentration of Guantanamo, deaths to hands of the police for use of weapon of electroshock and, based on a legislation approved to the effect, there is established the denial to request the pardon of Canadian compatriots condemned to death abroad.

I understand that every person will have his opinion about the report of International Amnesty, considering in every case exaggerated, short, insufficient or excessive the denunciations for a country and / or other. But beyond the opinion or conclusion that each one has, there is something undoubted, and the fact is that the use, mention or simple reference to the denunciations of International Amnesty on the part of Falsimedia with regard to Cuba is born of a clearly hypocritical exposition, since there where it is of interest or is convenient, the reports of the above mentioned organization are used to reinforce the message or pejorative counterfoil on the respect to the human rights in the Caribbean island, question that not of coincidence is of interest on having reported on, for example, Canada.

Since it was of waiting, some of them have hurried (in the good hour) to denounce that International Amnesty does not have easy access to the Caribbean island, which the reports that with so much I urge were recommending and exhibiting, the reports that almost they have worn out of so much handling them either do not reflect properly the reality represora of the opaque Cuban diet, either they do not fulfill his assignment, although there are the same reports, with suppressed fellow man, that they have come being published during the last years, reports that have changed not even a comma from the beginning of the campaign of poisoning mediática into the death of Orlando Zapata. Finally, we can observe (and we will keep on observing, do not doubt it) a habitual strategy or currency of current change between the anticastristas, the hypocrites or the tricky ones, which go of the hand if it is that there are no the same, and is that the helps or supports of the past turn into obstacles of the present or of the future according to the direction in which the wind blows. If International Amnesty was already not serving to attack Cuba, neglect, that the universe anticastrista and imperialist will find new ways of stigmatizing to a country that similar pressure does not deserve. Minimized the weight of International Amnesty like antiCuban weapon of attack, he will only remain to look for the tickling to the above mentioned organization. Finally, to discredit the source, demonizar to the messenger or to ignore to the once allied sound habitual procedures between which only they try to play the absent-mindedness, destroy, contaminate, poison or, as it usually in these cases, annoy say the partridge, foreign to all rigorousness, well to do, human honesty or journalistic deontology, jealous for propping up his prodigious building of imperialist propaganda.


(1) Let's remember more than hundred suicides in the French jails during 2009, a matter that has happened on tiptoe for our means, of course because France is very "democratic" and is not precise to do more blood of the wound.



(linkage consulted on March 8, 2010)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Very well answered

Inés Sabanés Pregunta.: prick and communist? It is seen to the league. You were a girl prick.
Answer. - Since not, certainly.

Curious question and diplomatic answer the one that has done to Inés Sabanés one or the stupid one who was answering for «Water« in the chat that the IU leader has supported with the readership this morning in the Public newspaper.

I, that I neither am a diplomat, it do not even want to be, say to you that the inquisitive one is more quieroynopuedo than prick, like many of the PP, which are not of rights because his ideas have taken them to it, but because they believe that to be rich it is necessary to be of rights. There is said one that yes is little pijo, is not communist, and it is up to the very same nostril of the bullies of rights...

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Friday, March 19, 2010

To rethink the left

03 09It is necessary to make to emerge new protagonists who explain in an alternative way the reality and offer new solutions to the old and new problems. In Spain, say what the pessimists, sincere or interested should say, there is enough intellectual capacity and social and political energy to be able to go out of this marasmus. We cannot we want to resign to remaining limited to the narrow walls of what today the parties represent if we do not want, that we serve in any of them, that the walls finish us falling down above. It is necessary to open. Our ambition must go beyond our electoral viability. It is necessary to try to lead the present debates in our society in these moments of uncertainty and dissatisfaction. It is necessary to reorient.

Previous what is doing where to start. I believe that the simplest and practical thing is to constitute a foundation that is a space of meeting, reflection and also of mobilization. To summon all the interested persons and to give them voice and leading role. An integrated foundation of state ambience not for parties, but for persons to individual title. And to make to turn the wheel, extending the spaces of debate and reflection. I am sure that, if there are ideas, these always find the way of organizing themselves.

This most interesting arículo of Jordi Guillot reads point in Public domain.

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Proud to belong to IU (but of Valladolid)

I began serving in IU in the year 1991 after the congress in which the PTE-UC that decided to integrate into the Spanish socialist party. In that epoch he was living in the wonderful city of Valladolid, and free of the obedience carrillista for dissolution of the party, I decided to affiliate to Izquierda Unida. Today the recuerdocon fondness, because today IU of Valladolid has given me one of few motives that are staying to be proud of our injured organization: there have decided to choose his candidates for the next municipal elections by means of a system of primary elections opened for the participation of the citizenship that, therefore I know, it does not remain there, but anything goes further away. The same idea, in IU-CM it was not even possible to propose to debate in the direction organs, because the called majority aborted the debate prohibiting manu militari the partners of Open IU to take it to the presidency and to the political advice. So, in contrast to IU-CM, which has already chosen his candidates for the autonomic and municipal elections of the capital by means of a secret, secret, clandestine, shamefaced, intensive process, in my opinion antistatutory and illegally, and clearly amañanado, IU has decided to open Valladolid to himself for the citizenship at the time of choosing his candidate for the mayoralty. This way it will be explained tomorrow on Friday in wheel by Alfonso Sánchez, current councilman of IU in Valladolid, and Maria Sánchez Esteban, coordinating committee of the Local Assembly of Izquierda Unida in Valladolid.

Thanks to IU Valladolid, today I feel again proud to belong to IU.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The finger of the gentleman Aznar


In Spain there is no liberal, centered and moderate right, as it is in other European nations. The Spanish right, not all the rights persons, but yes the right like political organization, and yes, certainly, immense most of the persons who represent it in mass media, social entities and political parties, are a spiteful, renegade right, which believes that something has been stolen from him. The Spanish right, which still does not conceal his admiration for Cánovas of the Castle, is the right that was thinking about having it quite organized during the restoration, a false democracy in which those who were in charge really were four chiefs who existed in every province, some of which survive, certainly, and there are today heavyweights of the PP.

The Spanish right took a death fright when it seemed that everything him was going to go to the garete the day that II Republic tried to change Spain and to plunge it in the XXth century with a series of reforms that hardly can be qualified of revolutionists. The Spanish right is the one that finished manu militari with II Republic and imposed on the first Spanish people a war of aniquiliación that lasted three years and caused concerning a million dead persons, and later a long and cruel dictatorship during which - as he declared the proper dictator - it was tried to clean absolutely Spain of red. The Spanish right saw everything again in danger to the death of the dictator, and they did all the possible to prevent the diet from transforming into a democracy the European, including to vote against the Constitution and several attempts of coup d'état, in charge of the spearhead of the sociological Franco period, and to the scream of: »army to the power!

Today, the Spanish right is led, precisely for many of those who then were pronounced against the Constitution, and resisted to the disappearance of the dictatorship. This control that has the extreme right of the majority of the springs of power and influence in the People's Party is a determinant reason, probably, of that in our country, the parties of extreme right do not have the electoral force that they have in other European countries. The persons of extreme right are represented comfortably by the PP, and especially by certain sectors of the PP, while many liberals really who vote for the PP - because the right is what it has, which is very disciplined, and it always does what it touches - feel very uncomfortable.

All this, but especially the annoyance that has the Spanish right, which feels that the service has rebelled and has occupied the farm, is what I read in the photo that today adorns the fronts of the Spanish newspapers. José Maria Aznar is not a bad-mannered person, he is simply a gentleman who assists amazed to the rebellion of those that he believes that, naturally, they should be to his service in what the considera that is his farmhouse, because to him, the boos him do not go in the salary Perhaps, does not even have salary...

He is not Aznar the painted the portrait one yesterday, but the proper Spanish right.

Don Cesar Calderón realizes an interesting photographic compilation of the this commander.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Izquierda Unida, UPyD and our model of the state

Next weeks ago having a debate the Izquierda Unida people, firstly in an internal list of mail, and lately in some Facebook wall, about how the UPyD irruption can affect us in the electoral panorama. In fact there are two interlaced debates, which take place in a parallel way, and with parallel positions also. In the first one of them, it is discussed about which it is going to be the electoral effect purely quantitatively, that is to say, how many votes UPyD is going to take from IU, or, rather, how it goes to distribute the representation after the UPyD appearance with a significant number of votes. The second debate is, perhaps, of more soaked: Is IU going to feel touched in changing into something his speech and his politics to try to avoid this votes diversion? Is a change of this style desirable?

The positions with clearly parallel in both debates. Some we support – well it is true than without information that support us - that yes this votes transvase is going to produce to himself, although we are not capable of determining in what quantity, while others support that such a diversion will be something purely anecdotal and punctually, because UPyD and IU are different political forces that go to different social sectors. The first ones we believe that we lose these votes because we have resigned from part of our speech and of our politics, and we must recover them, and the second ones support that there are no changes to be done, because that would be derechizar our speech to recover a few votes that in fact we do not want. Those who speak clearer say – and caricaturizo a little, although the phrase is published in a Facebook wall - that no IU voter is going to vote for «the Nazi of Rosa Díez».

It is an error, in my opinion, because leaving aside that Rosa Díez neither is a Nazi, - although it is a populist politics that personifies in itself all the vices that impute the politicians in the imaginary popular one - the political UPyD project neither is of extreme right, probably do not even be of rights, however much he insists on it. And it is not also necessary to obviate that the majority of his political speech not only is asumible for the left, but the left should never to have resigned him. And it does not mean that UPyD is of lefts, because I insist that it is a populist force that adapts his message to the circumstances and to the surveys that they pay to him. What I mean is that UPyD has generated his political speech concerning an idea that has been stolen from the left, and that is, also, one it designs clearly of lefts. I refer to the defense of the common state, of the strong state, which guarantees the equality of rights and of opportunities, which guarantees the public services and common fiscal policy capable of financing the welfare state, without historical privileges not social or territorial exceptions. The state that can be unitary – not centralist, eye - or federal, that can be more or less decentralized, but that in no case is, does not even cost, the chaos into which the state of the autonomies has degenerated, opportunists' paradise of all kinds and condition.

Those who support that UPyD is not going to do too much electoral damage to us attribute it to which UPyD and IU speak to different social layers. Another error, in my opinion. UPyD speaks to the society in his set. And it very is right, because this is what must do a political party that aspires to have influence and power to apply his program. IU, on the other hand, gives the impression of which it speaks only to «ours«, and this way it us goes, and that's why we are where we are. «Ours« vote for the most part for the Spanish socialist party and for the PP. And now, they are going to begin voting for UPyD also. It is explained very well by one of the persons who intervenes in one of these debates about which I speak to them:

… perhaps it would be good to think that if for the most part we come to certain urban sectors, with certain formation and occupation, we are harming. I believe sincerely that more that to look at UPyD we should know which we want that it is the centrality of our political speech. For me it is clear and now it is more urgent than never: contradiction capital - work to which the capital - nature would add contradiction. Because if we are a political movement and social anticapitalist evil we go if we do not think about how to be a modality of the most precarious social layers vote for the one for whom they vote …

There is the center of the matter: only we want that «ours« vote for us only speak to «ours«, vote for the one for whom they vote, and if «we come to certain urban sectors, with certain formation and occupation, we are doing a little ma l». The truth is that the matter has grace great, because these social sectors «urban, with certain formation and occupation» there are precisely the supports for that a lefts political education must look and republican that does not have the eyes put in the 30s of last century, but in the second decade of the present. Without it meaning that we should speak exclusively to them.

Anyway, and for returning to the center of the matter: I believe that UPyD is going to hurt us very much. In Madrid, and in the rest of Spain, And it apart from the fact that I took many or few votes from us. IU Is going to be the part most harmed in the share-out of benches, because it is clearly minority with regard to the Spanish socialist party and the PP, and also, is going to happen of being the third political force to the fourth one, if it is that it obtains representation.

It is not a question of changing our speech on the model of the state for adapting ourselves to the UPyD appearance. It is a question of correcting a very important error that we have committing years ago: the defense of the state as tool of redistribution of the wealth.

Without complexes, and without authorizations.

My model of the state, for don Mitxel

Thefederalist 194x300There me asks don Mitxel – perhaps with something of reason - to stop speaking about what model of the state it does not cost me, and to try to define, in positive, what my model of the ideal state would be. I am going to try to do it. In short, I am a Jacobin posibilista. Namely I assume the federal state, since I realize of that Spain - except four decades of dictatorship, nape it has been the unitary state. Franco's model is the only one that we know, and he does not cost us.

So discarded the unitary state, I would accept pleasant a really federal system in which certain competitions were shared and were delegated in a federal administration, that not head office. It would be a good idea as well as to symbolize this not centralist federalidad the federal capital status it was shared between several cities, and that these cities were not a part of any of the federated entities, but administered by the federal government, as it happens in other federations. It is something symbolic, I know it, but the symbolic thing in politics – and especially in this part of the politics - is sometimes essential.

As for the competitions, which I insist, they would be shared between the federated, and not central entities of a government «ej-storeroom«, I believe that it would be necessary to share necessary education, health, social services, and social security, so that the federal state was guaranteeing the equality of access of all the citizens, live where they live, to the above mentioned services.

And I warn before one start shouting the "Antiej-paña", which when I say that I believe that the competitions in education have to belong to the federal state, I do not mean that the state has to dictate the contents of the education, which is this another matter that I believe that to define now is difficult, but the state must guarantee the public system, of quality, free, lay and free in the whole territory. As for the questions called national, which so much worry some in both senses, and to me not at all, so simply, common sense: all the languages of the state must be preserved and concubines, it is necessary to guarantee the one who them wants to learn that it could do it in any part of the state, and I do not also see problem in which any of the languages of the state is a transport language of the education there where beech demands, it is Seville or Bilbao. With common sense and rationality, this is easily asumible.

As for the fiscal politics, and there it is where I believe that it goes the problem can be, there must be the same in the whole territory, or rather, I believe that the federal state must guarantee a just, direct and progressive tax system that allows us to finance the whole welfare state. If once guaranteed this, the federated states want to add more taxes to the system, they are very free to do it. What would not be possible is the existence of territories that had proper tax systems, foreign to the federal one, or privileges in the taxes payment. I know that the matter is polemic, but it is necessary to bear in mind two things: one, that in general lines, to question the taxes is not of lefts, but of rights, and two that I am not speaking about the current Spain of the autonomies, but about the ideal federal state that don Mitxel asks me to propose. And it would be necessary to assume that just as the highest revenues would contribute more to the treasury, the richest states also would reach port more.

I am a specialist neither in administrative law, nor in constitutional law, nor in political systems. Simply I answer from the political point of view to a political question that they have done to me. I realize that I have spoken about the big things, and that many things remain in the inkwell, many competitions of soaked minor and transcendency that the previous ones, that I have not said what it would do with them. The true thing is that I do not even know it, I dare to venture it, but I know by intuition that so that all this was real and not a simple political fiction, it would be necessary that this state had a constituent process that was causing in none of the federated parts the suspicion neither towards the proper federal state nor towards the rest of the parts, a constituent process during which it would be established that it happens with all these competitions of major or minor political transcendency, and, to end, process constituent that was defining the political system by means of which the share-out of the political power would administer all this, that is to say. If this is done correctly, already it is not possible to speak about centralism.

To end, to point out that this model seems better to me the bigger is the territory to which it includes. For conjuncture reasons, I am speaking about the territory that today we know as Spain, which is a part of the Iberian peninsula, but it would cost me equally for Europe. In fact, if in Spain it is difficult to come to a really federal model precisely because the federation is the agreement between parts that decide to share certain prerogatives, and that would be necessary to simulate it, since these parts do not exist in fact, for not speaking about the resistances numantinas that would take place on the part of of the Spanish nationalistic right, in the European Union, it would be perfectly possible to initiate a really federal and democratic way to which it seems that we have resigned.

Since there it is had by you, don Mitxel. It touches him.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Federalism? Since this is what exists, don Ricardo

mitxeleneaFor don Mitxel

For motives that I am not going to share with you, I was last Sunday visiting the Navarrese Zugarramurdi locality, they know already, the people of the witches who were burned in 1610, now four hundred years ago, in the acquaintance like process of Logronio.

After arranging a few matters I approached, therefore, the caves where supposedly the akelarres were celebrated, in order to produce homage to those men and women chased by the Holy Office (today National Hearing), which assassins appeared by the Basque locality and they took ten per cent of the whole of the population, in a raid that resembles the best Intxaurrondo times.

Since I tell that to them so that they should not call me insensitive, that I was paying tribute to the victims of so many barbarism, to those accused of witchcraft and then burned in the bonfire, good in person or in effigy, since most of them had died in prison after two process years. Others, everything is necessary to say it, there were practical jokes or they escaped with more or less light sorrow.

In any case, those events sent to me a wink from the same Middle Age on having verified that the judges of the epoch had to appeal translators to interrogate the villagers, who were not speaking another thing any more than Basque. Also I must confess that the functioning of this institution put the long envy teeth to me on having found out that the commissioners for the Holy Office had to be subject to an iron self-control, being able to be denounced before the Supreme one (you denounce today any abuse before the Supreme one), and that the torture only was using after the culprit was interrogated during three meetings, and once the district attorney was initiating the process and there were persisting the doubts about the sincerity of the accused. We go, that despite the proper barbarism of the epoch, the Spanish Holy Office was working according to a few norms, which were not even violated not in case the suspect was Basque. The torture, although it was anything common, was not a method that was applied of systematical form and, what seems more important to me, when one was resorting to the same one, the members of the court had the unavoidable obligation to be present at the anguish instead of, as it happens now, to close the eyes as if nothing happened in order to fall asleep lulled to sleep for live in the constitution and the democratic state of right of the patatín patatán.

While it was walking along these Basque mounts that distribute between two States, from Zugarramurdi to Sara, he was thinking about the enchanting unlucky persons "relaxed" in the bonfire, and I was said to me by the same little that the things have changed since then, not to be but to deteriorate.

And the fact is that after four hundred years of Holy Office one comes to the conclusion that becomes vital to enjoy a few democracy minimums, having a proper justice, instead of being handcuffed or handcuffed up to Logronio or Madrid, inside a wooden cage or a van of the Civil Guard, where a few very circumspect gentlemen will decide on your life and your ranch for crimes that not always they are so clear. Proper special courts of a dictatorship opposite to the natural judge who would correspond to a democracy. Although it is only there save themselves inquisitorial processes as that of Egunkaria or other recent Edicts of Faith.

In these circumstances, already out of those mounts secular witnesses of akelarres, smugglers, members of ETA and patrols of pikoletos, sat opposite to this piece of gossip of the devil who yes is the computer, one keeps on asking to the heat of the post of don Ricardo: what competitions would it transfer to the federal State and which he would protest?

And hete here that there even has come to me this light that only has the sky of Madrid and that so well the big Velázquez could reflect: he would claim exactly all the competitions contemplated or not in the statute of Gernika, from the Justice that is necessary to snatch the big inquisitor, up to ports, aereopuertos and borders. All. Because mine they are. So much the Economic Concert that so many cold sore does to the internationalists with border in the Pyrenees – I joust in the same Zugarramurdi - as those who will guarantee my retirement, for much that it bothers the business to the refreshment stall that there have mounted CC.OO and UGT (the only box, I believe that they call him), these minority trade unions in Basque Country and so well paid for the Basque anarchy for collaborating actively in the present institutional blow.

I believe that with the last elect lehendakari, mister Juan José Ibarretxe Markuartu, we have lost the last opportunity that had Spain for coming to an agreement of federal or confederal type. The blow has not come but to sign the desperation of those who know that they have the game lost from the same day in which the guard Inquisitor, I do not remember if it was called a Waiter or Big Markaska, he decided to send four hundred years ago Zugarramurdi to a few assassins dressed in friar that, on not having understood anything, took ahead everything what they found.

It is a lost game because, we are going to see, don Ricardo: how coño are you going to harmonize the tax system in this federal Spain that includes Basques?

I wonder it because only you have a way of doing it: to the brave ones. Yes gentleman, because anyone who has bothered to read the Spanish Constitution of 1978 will know that the same one recognizes like historical the jurisdiction of the Basques, that is to say, right previous to the proper Constitution, that – I repeat - this one recognizes, but from that they do not come.

Are you raising to vote yes or not to the Economic Concert, yes or not from which they steal the portfolio? From when do they vote for the rights?

Closed the legal route don Ricardo, only you have left the use of the brute force.

And when I refer to you, I refer in fact to this Spanish socialist party, this PP and this IU that they bit the hand stretched from the lehendakari in the Congress, and to this penitents' direction that is Ezker Batua, which you already will know who finish of meeting in Political Advice to see the one who has her bigger and, of step, to abjure of the past, of the ideas and of the political decency.

And so that they see that in fact I am not so a rim, they know that I will defend along with the set of IU and EB that thing about the interterritorial solidarity, we go, 0,7 %.

Anyway, that already put to confraternizar, I will finish with an appointment of another liberated Spanish intellectual of the anonymity, don John Cobra: "here they have this pa´ the one who wants it».

Come, I am not disappointed with them.

And why have we allowed to die to Orlando Zapata?

I come of checking the web pages of the CPS, of IU, of the Spanish socialist party, even of UPyD, surprised of that (in Madrid it is 10:00 AM) still has not published in any of them the refusal by the death - after 85 days of hunger strike - of Orlando Zapata, a 42-year-old bricklayer, accused of disorders and of disobedience, and reprobate to several decades of prison for the Cuban dictatorship. Neither in I Love IU, nor in The Ideas, nor in the Network of Blogs Socialistas, agregadores of binnacles written by persons of lefts, worried usually by the human rights, the freedom, the equality and the dignity of the human being, I have read only one word on Orlando Zapata and his terrible death to hands of the Cuban satraps.

As Aminetu Haidar, Orlando Zapata was an activist of the human rights, and to denounce the state in which one lives in the Cuban jails, the conditions in which it was he who was living himself, it initiated 85 days ago a hunger strike. Slightly very similar to what it made in due time Aminetu Haidar, and it deserved the support of the whole Spanish and international left, which inció a supported and intense campaign to demand from the Governments Spanish and Moroccan that they should not her to die of famine.

Orlando Zapata has not been lucky as it had Aminetu, because Orlando Zapata, a poor bricklayer, a brave defender of the human rights without godparents neither in the press nor in the international institutions only is going to receive, probably, I despise on the part of the left, which does not see what he does not want to see, or what turns out to be uncomfortable to him. This is what happens with those who face to what some ignorant persons qualify like «the deepest democracy that I have never known», that is not another thing than the Cuban dictatorship: that the international left in his set ignores them, and they can already die of disgust, or of famine, as in this case, which is not going to be fixed in them any more than manipulative opportunists of the extreme right.

I do not want to turn aside. This is a brief entry, of urgency, an entry in the one that criticized me for not having found out before what Orlando Zapata was doing, and in the one that I criticize to the whole left, to the finished left, of the Spanish socialist party to IU, happening, of course, for the CPS - party joined of the one that domineers the Cuban island - for not having committed itself with Orlando Zapata as he committed himself with Aminetu Haidar. I do not look that anybody condemns the Cuban dictatorship in this moment, although ciertamennte I would like that my partners and partners of IU were doing it. What attempt is to call to the sensibility of those that were mobilized - and they were right - in support to Aminetu Haidar, so that now they criticize the Cuban government for a concrete case: to have allowed to die to Orlando Zapata.

Even if it rests to the Cuban diet, it is necessary to consider to be an atrocity what has happened with Orlando Zapata. Most of those who support to the Cuban diet always says that it is a question of a critical support. Since this is perhaps the moment to criticize, between other things, because of the criticism the amendment is born, and this type of things is, insurance, things that we all believe that Cuba must amend...

Anyway. Not me desgañito more. I hope I work a little bit.

Monday, March 15, 2010

What has said the left on Orlando Zapata?

Yesterday, I wondered how he would answer the left to the death of Orlando Zapata to hands of the Cuban dictatorship, as a result of a hunger strike with which he was trying to denounce the living conditions in the prisons of the island. I was interested in especially the blogs, because he supposed that there would be more answer in them that in the parties, always so dependent on complicated calculations. Since I was wrong. There are tens blogs aligned in the political left, and only twelve - unless ma someone has happened - have proved to be dismayed with this new violent act of the despicable Caribbean dictatorship. Both the Spanish socialist party and UPyD have been sorry about the death of the Cuban prisoner. Izquierda Unida, inexplicably, has not said anything like organization, although his spokesman in the Congress of the Deputies, Gaspar Llamazares, has been sorry about the Tamayo death and has made sure that «it will work so that this does not happen any more». The latter declaration excites me especially, because it seems that he can suppose an attitude more active than in the past of my favorite deputy with regard to the Cuban dictatorship.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

We keep on speaking about Orlando Zapata

From yesterday evening, three interesting incorporations have taken place to the comments about the death of Orlazo Zapaata, recognized prisoner of conscience as such for International Amnesty, in hunger strike to denounce the situation in the Cuban jails.

Don Hugo Martínez Abarca, makes sure in his blog that, in a marvelous entry, he reminds to us that:

According to International Amnesty in Cuba there are 54 more political prisoners Orlando Zapata, dead person on Tuesday. It is not a big quantity, given what it happens in other countries (without need to look far), but we are not speaking about other countries. We are speaking about a country that Socialist claims and that therefore defines his project political like directed towards the maximum individual emancipation of all the persons and collectively or said otherwise (that is not equal, I know it, but the music sounds very similar, at least in my ear) to the radicalization of the democracy for the elimination of every somentimiento.

One of the forms of measuring that there is no subjection some is the full fulfillment of the human rights. That in the capitalist countries are not fulfilled, already we it know: the capitalism was born to impose a concrete domination, a subjection: it is an incompatible model with the human rights. But a socialistic diet cannot be considered to be such if it supports forms of domination and the human rights are a good thermometer on this matter.

For his part, Mrs Inés Sabanés, writes today in his blog that:

We condemn clearly this death and they serve neither as excuse nor the comparisons, nor the statistics, nor the treatment of the mass media to reduce what is - objectively and clearly - condemnably. We regret - I it regret – without having worried us for being sufficiently informed about the hunger strike, of the terminal situation of Orlando and consistently without having pressed clearly – how we have done in other cases – the Cuban Government in the first term and to the Spanish diplomacy next.

Thanks to this deplorable matter, I discover a blog that it is necessary to continue, that of Annelida, who after Shoe alludes to the Orlando, reminds to us that there are more hunger strikes:

In the same Spanish state, an about thirty of locked in persons, imprisoned, in the center of internment for other races (CIE) of the Free zone of Barcelona, with capacity for 260 recluses, is in hunger strike to denounce also his penitentiary situation and the maltreatments of the prison guards; the same ones that now keep on threatening and ill-treating so that they leave his protest. To this about thirty of persons (we do not even know the exact number!, not when did they begin the strike) one is denying the medical care to them, although the physical effects of his strike begin being clear. And here, to two meters, nobody reports of this massive strike (more than 30 of 260!). Why to be missed then of that does not find out on the hunger strike of a Cuban dissident? Orlando Zapata had name and photo. Of others, those of Barcelona, eyes that they do not see, we do not know anything.

And in the chapter of the reconcentrated moral misery, we have Ceronegativo, which does a simple contemptuous reference to Shoe in a poor person post-cocktelera in that mezca to Juan Ramón Lucas and prison of Guantanamo, and Basilio Pozo-Durán, who denounces valiantly counterrevolutionary intentions on the part of Orlando Zapata, on having gone to die, precisely when there is commemorated the second anniversary of the presidency of Raúl Castro.

Nike elects Fidel Castro as a new image of the mark

Fidel Castro with his tracksuit Nike

The mark of sports clothes Nike has decided for the first time about his history, to elect as an image of the mark someone who is not related to the sport. From the last February 21, Fidel Castro is forced for contract to show exclusive the logotype of the well-known North American mark in all his public appearances.

« I am really filled with enthusiasm by this new sample of rupture of the criminal blockade that is done against the island of Cuba. Nike has demonstrated that the Cuban and the North Americans we do not have why to be enemies«, I tell the Cuban leader in the reception gives Miscellany to Lula, president of Brazil, which is these days of official visit to the island.

Read finished this surprising news here.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

It is necessary to excuse

NachouriarteI celebrate sincerely the novel attitude of any point that I am perceiving these days in the Spanish right, which seems that, finally, it begins passing that they are going to turn it into a modern, liberal and European right. And the fact is that it seems that there happened already definitely those times in which the leaders of our right were abstemious, absbebios and absjodios, like our unconquered Commander, and were not tolerating of any of the ways any vice, any white hair to the air, nigún peccadillo for innocent person who was. I am present today at two events that reveal this new attitude and that really have upset me. The first one of them is the pardon that the popular parliamentary group has granted to the this pijo repijo who answers for Uriarte when it is not drunk, and at that presides the New Generations of the PP, in the most pejorative sense of the term.

What has the lad done? Not at all, a minor crime, a peccadillo of youth: who has ever provoked a traffic accident in chain? - since driving is a drunkard putting in danger the life of tens citizens with whom it crossed for the highway that night, until it collided with one whom it did not kill because it did not have sufficient reflexes not for that. The leader antinuclearavecesynoentodaspartes Dolores de Cospedal has realized a few touching declarations in favor of the pardon to the borrachuzo, in the most pejorative sense of the term.

And the Church, n the most pejorative sense of the term, is also for the pardon. In this occasion, for the pardon to the King, whom the bishop - in the most pejorative sense of the term - spokesman of the episcopal conference, monteñor nosecuantos I Travel, he has excused the eternal life, and has exempted him from the obligation that the Catholics have of avoiding for all the means at his disposal the slaughter of innocent babies to ogres - doctors hands fenimistas, in the most pejorative sense of the term. It seems, he has said Way, that the deputies who should have voted in favor of the new law of the abortion, have remained excommunicated - although they have the whole year to solve the matter in Santiago, which is a year jacobeo, and to be useful to give him a seafood platter - but that does not affect the King, that can sign the law, and then smoke a cigar, like Nacho Uriarie in the photo that accompanies these lines, in the safety that does in communion with God and the Holy Mother His Church, in the most pejorative sense of both expressions.

It is the church lameculos. The vile and servile church. The church, we go.

In the most pejorative sense of the term.