Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Federalism? Since this is what exists, don Ricardo

mitxeleneaFor don Mitxel

For motives that I am not going to share with you, I was last Sunday visiting the Navarrese Zugarramurdi locality, they know already, the people of the witches who were burned in 1610, now four hundred years ago, in the acquaintance like process of Logronio.

After arranging a few matters I approached, therefore, the caves where supposedly the akelarres were celebrated, in order to produce homage to those men and women chased by the Holy Office (today National Hearing), which assassins appeared by the Basque locality and they took ten per cent of the whole of the population, in a raid that resembles the best Intxaurrondo times.

Since I tell that to them so that they should not call me insensitive, that I was paying tribute to the victims of so many barbarism, to those accused of witchcraft and then burned in the bonfire, good in person or in effigy, since most of them had died in prison after two process years. Others, everything is necessary to say it, there were practical jokes or they escaped with more or less light sorrow.

In any case, those events sent to me a wink from the same Middle Age on having verified that the judges of the epoch had to appeal translators to interrogate the villagers, who were not speaking another thing any more than Basque. Also I must confess that the functioning of this institution put the long envy teeth to me on having found out that the commissioners for the Holy Office had to be subject to an iron self-control, being able to be denounced before the Supreme one (you denounce today any abuse before the Supreme one), and that the torture only was using after the culprit was interrogated during three meetings, and once the district attorney was initiating the process and there were persisting the doubts about the sincerity of the accused. We go, that despite the proper barbarism of the epoch, the Spanish Holy Office was working according to a few norms, which were not even violated not in case the suspect was Basque. The torture, although it was anything common, was not a method that was applied of systematical form and, what seems more important to me, when one was resorting to the same one, the members of the court had the unavoidable obligation to be present at the anguish instead of, as it happens now, to close the eyes as if nothing happened in order to fall asleep lulled to sleep for live in the constitution and the democratic state of right of the patatín patatán.

While it was walking along these Basque mounts that distribute between two States, from Zugarramurdi to Sara, he was thinking about the enchanting unlucky persons "relaxed" in the bonfire, and I was said to me by the same little that the things have changed since then, not to be but to deteriorate.

And the fact is that after four hundred years of Holy Office one comes to the conclusion that becomes vital to enjoy a few democracy minimums, having a proper justice, instead of being handcuffed or handcuffed up to Logronio or Madrid, inside a wooden cage or a van of the Civil Guard, where a few very circumspect gentlemen will decide on your life and your ranch for crimes that not always they are so clear. Proper special courts of a dictatorship opposite to the natural judge who would correspond to a democracy. Although it is only there save themselves inquisitorial processes as that of Egunkaria or other recent Edicts of Faith.

In these circumstances, already out of those mounts secular witnesses of akelarres, smugglers, members of ETA and patrols of pikoletos, sat opposite to this piece of gossip of the devil who yes is the computer, one keeps on asking to the heat of the post of don Ricardo: what competitions would it transfer to the federal State and which he would protest?

And hete here that there even has come to me this light that only has the sky of Madrid and that so well the big Velázquez could reflect: he would claim exactly all the competitions contemplated or not in the statute of Gernika, from the Justice that is necessary to snatch the big inquisitor, up to ports, aereopuertos and borders. All. Because mine they are. So much the Economic Concert that so many cold sore does to the internationalists with border in the Pyrenees – I joust in the same Zugarramurdi - as those who will guarantee my retirement, for much that it bothers the business to the refreshment stall that there have mounted CC.OO and UGT (the only box, I believe that they call him), these minority trade unions in Basque Country and so well paid for the Basque anarchy for collaborating actively in the present institutional blow.

I believe that with the last elect lehendakari, mister Juan José Ibarretxe Markuartu, we have lost the last opportunity that had Spain for coming to an agreement of federal or confederal type. The blow has not come but to sign the desperation of those who know that they have the game lost from the same day in which the guard Inquisitor, I do not remember if it was called a Waiter or Big Markaska, he decided to send four hundred years ago Zugarramurdi to a few assassins dressed in friar that, on not having understood anything, took ahead everything what they found.

It is a lost game because, we are going to see, don Ricardo: how coño are you going to harmonize the tax system in this federal Spain that includes Basques?

I wonder it because only you have a way of doing it: to the brave ones. Yes gentleman, because anyone who has bothered to read the Spanish Constitution of 1978 will know that the same one recognizes like historical the jurisdiction of the Basques, that is to say, right previous to the proper Constitution, that – I repeat - this one recognizes, but from that they do not come.

Are you raising to vote yes or not to the Economic Concert, yes or not from which they steal the portfolio? From when do they vote for the rights?

Closed the legal route don Ricardo, only you have left the use of the brute force.

And when I refer to you, I refer in fact to this Spanish socialist party, this PP and this IU that they bit the hand stretched from the lehendakari in the Congress, and to this penitents' direction that is Ezker Batua, which you already will know who finish of meeting in Political Advice to see the one who has her bigger and, of step, to abjure of the past, of the ideas and of the political decency.

And so that they see that in fact I am not so a rim, they know that I will defend along with the set of IU and EB that thing about the interterritorial solidarity, we go, 0,7 %.

Anyway, that already put to confraternizar, I will finish with an appointment of another liberated Spanish intellectual of the anonymity, don John Cobra: "here they have this pa´ the one who wants it».

Come, I am not disappointed with them.

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