I come of checking the web pages of the CPS, of IU, of the Spanish socialist party, even of UPyD, surprised of that (in Madrid it is 10:00 AM) still has not published in any of them the refusal by the death - after 85 days of hunger strike - of Orlando Zapata, a 42-year-old bricklayer, accused of disorders and of disobedience, and reprobate to several decades of prison for the Cuban dictatorship. Neither in I Love IU, nor in The Ideas, nor in the Network of Blogs Socialistas, agregadores of binnacles written by persons of lefts, worried usually by the human rights, the freedom, the equality and the dignity of the human being, I have read only one word on Orlando Zapata and his terrible death to hands of the Cuban satraps.
As Aminetu Haidar, Orlando Zapata was an activist of the human rights, and to denounce the state in which one lives in the Cuban jails, the conditions in which it was he who was living himself, it initiated 85 days ago a hunger strike. Slightly very similar to what it made in due time Aminetu Haidar, and it deserved the support of the whole Spanish and international left, which inció a supported and intense campaign to demand from the Governments Spanish and Moroccan that they should not her to die of famine.
Orlando Zapata has not been lucky as it had Aminetu, because Orlando Zapata, a poor bricklayer, a brave defender of the human rights without godparents neither in the press nor in the international institutions only is going to receive, probably, I despise on the part of the left, which does not see what he does not want to see, or what turns out to be uncomfortable to him. This is what happens with those who face to what some ignorant persons qualify like «the deepest democracy that I have never known», that is not another thing than the Cuban dictatorship: that the international left in his set ignores them, and they can already die of disgust, or of famine, as in this case, which is not going to be fixed in them any more than manipulative opportunists of the extreme right.
I do not want to turn aside. This is a brief entry, of urgency, an entry in the one that criticized me for not having found out before what Orlando Zapata was doing, and in the one that I criticize to the whole left, to the finished left, of the Spanish socialist party to IU, happening, of course, for the CPS - party joined of the one that domineers the Cuban island - for not having committed itself with Orlando Zapata as he committed himself with Aminetu Haidar. I do not look that anybody condemns the Cuban dictatorship in this moment, although ciertamennte I would like that my partners and partners of IU were doing it. What attempt is to call to the sensibility of those that were mobilized - and they were right - in support to Aminetu Haidar, so that now they criticize the Cuban government for a concrete case: to have allowed to die to Orlando Zapata.
Even if it rests to the Cuban diet, it is necessary to consider to be an atrocity what has happened with Orlando Zapata. Most of those who support to the Cuban diet always says that it is a question of a critical support. Since this is perhaps the moment to criticize, between other things, because of the criticism the amendment is born, and this type of things is, insurance, things that we all believe that Cuba must amend...
Anyway. Not me desgañito more. I hope I work a little bit.
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