Article 2.
The Constitution is based on the indissoluble unit of the common and indivisible Spanish, native Nation of all the Spanish, and recognizes and guarantees the right to the autonomy of the nationalities and regions that integrate it and the solidarity between all of them.
Article 8.
1. The Armed forces constituted by the Army, the Navy and the Air force, take as a mission to guarantee the sovereignty and independence of Spain, to defend his territorial integrity and the constitutional arranging.
Spanish constitution
The truth is that the will of Hope Aguirre of that the Community of Madrid finances public quality services, is already more than egg white: he does not want to finance them, and in fact, it is taking all the measures that it has at his disposal to finish with them and to deliver his service to the proper pillage of the private business. The Community of Madrid, like administrative device, only serves to Hope Aguirre and to the PP for the only thing that has always needed and wanted it: as an effective tool to materialize his curious version of the share-out of the wealth from the proper reformulation of his statement, «repartámonos the wealth», and that consists of distributing the money that belongs to all, that is to say, the proceeding one from few taxes that are staying and of the state transferences, to his pals, associates and relatives across fiddled millionaire contracts, as it reveals to us what we know about the plot Gürtel.
Nevertheless, the attitude of the PP and of Hope Aguirre in Madrid begins supposing an important comparative indignation between the ciudadnos of Madrid and those of the rest of Spain, which - more that less - yes have the public services guaranteed. In Madrid, the doctors do not give supply to attend on patients, the waiting-lists are endless yciudades of 70.000 inhabitants and of population for the most part young they have one or two gynecologists. The new public hospitals look like hangars where to park patients, without scarcely sanitary personnel, and provided with hyperexploited personnel proceeding from companies of temporary work of dark property. One denies to the incurable patients the medicines that can relieve them. There are delivered thousands of million pesetas to the schools of priests and nuns so that they indoctrinate our young people, while most of the institutes and public schools must survive without heating, or cannot use the copiers, as it happens in one that I know, because they have no budget for sheets of paper, and every teacher puts the sheets of paper that he needs, but nobody puts those who are used in the copiers. It is an anecdote, but it is revealing.
The citizens of Madrid we have less rights that the Catalans, the Andalusians, the Extremaduran, the Basques, but he would say still that even that the Galicians, the Castilians and from Leon ones or the riojanos. If to it we add that in Madrid the law antitobacco is not applied, that the plans - better or worse - of modernization of the school raised are not going to come to our students, that the Law of Dependency for the persons from Madrid is a luxury of through those that our borders live allende, and that now the President has said that he is going to resign from what corresponds to the Community of Madrid - but to the Community of Madrid that is to say, to the citizenship of Madrid, to finance his public services - of the increase of the VAT, we are neither not she, nor the PP in a situation in which I, that I am slightly friendly of it, am going to begin keeping Molotov cocktails myself under the bed, to go one night to burn the office of the President in the Puerta del Sol. And if in the way I cross connuna church or a nuns' school, since that is considered to be a collateral damage...
It turns out that I am going to pay these two points more of the VAT, like every quisque, but the megamultimillionaires of the region are not going to pay the tax of the Patrimony, and above the President, in my name, and without I having authorized him for it, he is going to resign to which the Community deposits the part that corresponds to him of these two points in the share-out of the VAT. If this is not to break the unit of Spain, which God avenges and see it, but that does not happen close to me, which burned him. The politics of Hope Aguirre provokes that the persons from Madrid we have less rights that the rest of the Spanish, the politics of Hope Aguirre breaks the equality. Hope Aguirre breaks Spain.
That's why, from this one humble, but magnídica tribune that is my blog, I ask the Government of the Nation to restore the Unit of Spain: that intervenes already in the Community of Madrid, directed by a band of thieves and trileros not "supposed", that is a ham in the beautiful Portuguese language, but sausages, which take years plundering the public fund, which was done under control of the community thanks to a real estate coup d'état that he bought literally to two socialistic deputies so that they were preventing the investiture of the government that was going to form like result of the last democratic autonomic elections celebrated in Madrid...
The autonomic government of Hope Aguirre, for saying it in a brief and concise way, has turned Madrid, in fact, into a species of independent country in which there is not guaranteed the equality of rights and opportunities. The PP and It Has hope aguirre, with his behavior ultranationalist has broken the unit of Spain, guaranteed by the article 2 of the Constitution. And I want to be Spanish again, for it I request that the guarantor of the indivisible unit of the Spanish nation, which is the Army, intervenes, and restores the integrity of the rights and freedoms in Madrid, puts to good collection the seditious leader and his followers, and spent three days, shoots them, as they order the cánones, although without religious assistance, so that they lump it more, if it fits, in the garden walls of the Almudena or of San Isidro.
This way, we save ourselves the funeral transport and pay a few sheets of paper to some institudto of the region.
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