From yesterday evening, three interesting incorporations have taken place to the comments about the death of Orlazo Zapaata, recognized prisoner of conscience as such for International Amnesty, in hunger strike to denounce the situation in the Cuban jails.
Don Hugo Martínez Abarca, makes sure in his blog that, in a marvelous entry, he reminds to us that:
According to International Amnesty in Cuba there are 54 more political prisoners Orlando Zapata, dead person on Tuesday. It is not a big quantity, given what it happens in other countries (without need to look far), but we are not speaking about other countries. We are speaking about a country that Socialist claims and that therefore defines his project political like directed towards the maximum individual emancipation of all the persons and collectively or said otherwise (that is not equal, I know it, but the music sounds very similar, at least in my ear) to the radicalization of the democracy for the elimination of every somentimiento.
One of the forms of measuring that there is no subjection some is the full fulfillment of the human rights. That in the capitalist countries are not fulfilled, already we it know: the capitalism was born to impose a concrete domination, a subjection: it is an incompatible model with the human rights. But a socialistic diet cannot be considered to be such if it supports forms of domination and the human rights are a good thermometer on this matter.
For his part, Mrs Inés Sabanés, writes today in his blog that:
We condemn clearly this death and they serve neither as excuse nor the comparisons, nor the statistics, nor the treatment of the mass media to reduce what is - objectively and clearly - condemnably. We regret - I it regret – without having worried us for being sufficiently informed about the hunger strike, of the terminal situation of Orlando and consistently without having pressed clearly – how we have done in other cases – the Cuban Government in the first term and to the Spanish diplomacy next.
Thanks to this deplorable matter, I discover a blog that it is necessary to continue, that of Annelida, who after Shoe alludes to the Orlando, reminds to us that there are more hunger strikes:
In the same Spanish state, an about thirty of locked in persons, imprisoned, in the center of internment for other races (CIE) of the Free zone of Barcelona, with capacity for 260 recluses, is in hunger strike to denounce also his penitentiary situation and the maltreatments of the prison guards; the same ones that now keep on threatening and ill-treating so that they leave his protest. To this about thirty of persons (we do not even know the exact number!, not when did they begin the strike) one is denying the medical care to them, although the physical effects of his strike begin being clear. And here, to two meters, nobody reports of this massive strike (more than 30 of 260!). Why to be missed then of that does not find out on the hunger strike of a Cuban dissident? Orlando Zapata had name and photo. Of others, those of Barcelona, eyes that they do not see, we do not know anything.
And in the chapter of the reconcentrated moral misery, we have Ceronegativo, which does a simple contemptuous reference to Shoe in a poor person post-cocktelera in that mezca to Juan Ramón Lucas and prison of Guantanamo, and Basilio Pozo-Durán, who denounces valiantly counterrevolutionary intentions on the part of Orlando Zapata, on having gone to die, precisely when there is commemorated the second anniversary of the presidency of Raúl Castro.
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