- Don Rafael García Almazán: Cuba is a criminal diet
- Don César Calderón: Orlando Zapata
- Don Francisco Piniella: The victories of» socialism» Cuban
- Don Roberto Cacho: Orlando Zapata, very expressive silences
- Don Mikel Izu: What differentiates Orlando Zapata de Aminetu Haidar
- Don Oscar Cerezal: A new victim of the castrismo
- Don Júcaro: Something we have harmed in the death of Orlando Zapata
- Don Ignacio Escolar: And why have we allowed to die to Orlando Zapata?
- Don Marcos Pardinas: Orlando Zapata
- Don Decapitado for heretic: And there will be still the people who says that Cuba is not a dictatorship
- Don Gregorio Verdugo: We all are Orlando Zapata
- Don Yo himself: And why have we allowed to die to Orlando Zapata?
Yesterday, I wondered how he would answer the left to the death of Orlando Zapata to hands of the Cuban dictatorship, as a result of a hunger strike with which he was trying to denounce the living conditions in the prisons of the island. I was interested in especially the blogs, because he supposed that there would be more answer in them that in the parties, always so dependent on complicated calculations. Since I was wrong. There are tens blogs aligned in the political left, and only twelve - unless ma someone has happened - have proved to be dismayed with this new violent act of the despicable Caribbean dictatorship. Both the Spanish socialist party and UPyD have been sorry about the death of the Cuban prisoner. Izquierda Unida, inexplicably, has not said anything like organization, although his spokesman in the Congress of the Deputies, Gaspar Llamazares, has been sorry about the Tamayo death and has made sure that «it will work so that this does not happen any more». The latter declaration excites me especially, because it seems that he can suppose an attitude more active than in the past of my favorite deputy with regard to the Cuban dictatorship.
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